I'm going to take a risk and predict that Switzerland will be our best trip we take this entire semester. After visiting this country I would be more than content with taking zero trips for the rest of the time I'm in Europe.  Switzerland was mind-blowing in all aspects. From the breathe-taking views of the alps, to the world-famous skiing, and the charming personality of Interlaken. We could not have asked for a better weekend in Switzerland. Purely Perfection.

We arrived in Geneva, Switzerland. We couldn't see the night sky because we arrived in the mixed of a snow storm. Our drive from Geneva to Interlaken was long but you could still see the beautiful glaciers, monstrous Swiss alps and tiny lights coming from mountain side cabins.

Waking up the next morning was spectacular. We took a train from town to the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain there is the tallest point of Europe, Jungfraujoch. This peak draws in millions of tourist each year and it is no secret as to why. Being tucked in the Swiss Alps, skiing powder up to my waist (yes that was the case at certain points) was like a dream come true. Switzerland has the best skiing in the world, and I dare to say even better than Aspen.

The second day was indescribable. Not exaggerating, literally heaven on earth. The sun was shining intensely, the skiing was magical yet again and every bar and restaurant on the mountain was packed to the rim with people celebrating life accompanied by Swiss beers, and brats. If people weren't partying at the top of the mountain they were laying in the sun chairs taking in the Swiss beauty right beside the commotion of party-goers.

After a long day of skiing we decided to celebrate the amazing weekend by going to an Irish pub, after that we strolled over to the one mini club/bar in all of Interlaken, "The Metro". It was nothing like Barcelona nightlife but it was better that way, it was true to the Interlaken charm.  After an unforgettable night and endless laughs we roamed the town the following day and came across the lakes that surround Interlaken hence the town's name which means "between two lakes". I will never be able to describe the beauty I witnessed that day, all I can say is Switzerland is effortlessly the most beautiful place I have ever been to in my entire life.

and the Swiss chocolate? yep, it's all its cracked up to be.

While myself and my two roommates were skiing, our fourth roommate, Emily, was sky diving. She said it was the best experience of her entire life and I can only imagine so considering she dove out of a plane over the UN-touched Swiss alps alongside the crystal clear lakes.

Possibly the best trip I've ever taken in my life.

Between the posh lifestyle of being Swiss, the Swiss Alps, the traditional charm, I fell in love with Switzerland 10 times over.

Until next time....

Off to Amsterdam!


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