With Barcelona Fashion Week under way this week you can bet your bottom there is numerous celebrities stealing the spotlight at the clubs, the most beautiful and elegant crowd in all of Europe taking over the city, and most importantly, Spanish fashion shows day in and day out. Catching only the beginning of fashion week, I am unable to attend any of the shows but I was able to attend an exclusive fashion party on the 26th floor of the W hotel at their iconic club, Eclipse.
Big name brands such as Berska, Mango, Custo, etc. have been the most popular shows so far!
For the big event, I visited the store that knows me best; Top Shop of course!
Rocking Top Shop from head to toe!
Makeup is by Mac Cosmetics and the clutch is Zara.

With a free dinner of risotto, sushi, various tapas, and an open bar filled with champagne, wine, and other fine alcohol the night couldn't have started any more perfectly.

After we got comfortable in the most posh lounge I have ever been to, a group of 25 male models joined the party. I think it is safe to say they were the most beautiful men I have ever witnessed in my entire life. They had just gotten done with a photo shoot and show at the hotel, just fabulous.
After a night filled with endless fashion fun, I think I got a taste of what it would be like to enjoy the "play" side of the fashion industry. Such an incredible night, unforgettable if you will.

Posh, Posh, and more Posh.


Park Guell


The day has finally come...a visit to the World-Famous Park Guell. Park Guell is settled in the hill of El Carmel in the Gracia district of Barcelona. It was built by the famously genius Antoni Gaudi in 1900 and was finally finished in 1914. It is no mystery why this Park is internationally famous for it's unique architecture, magnificent views of the city and the mediterranean sea because honestly, it is just that. Breathe-taking and much more.  This Park has become a symbol of that represents this city's unimaginable beauty. When walked up to the Park there is escalators for sidewalks because it is such a steep hike! The little town nestled beneath Park Guell is stunning,  imagine a small, charming european town with busy sidewalks and you will visualize what this area of town beholds.
With Park Guell being such a touristy area, there was no shortage of street performers and vendors for the tourists that just love to reward these characters. Here is a man who was continuously pretending to karate chop me and was convinced he was a true Samurai. Comical.
This walk way was famously used as a catwalk in an episode of "America's Next Top Model". Posh is found even at Park Guell!
We tend to make new amigos every where we go, and Park Guell was no different. Some men from Argentina took a liking to us and decided to have a full on strip tease to Ricky Martin's "She Bang" in front of hundreds of other tourists. No Shame here people. There was a lot of... well just use your imagination.
The Roommates, Dolls.
After feeling more than fulfilled with our day trip to Park Guell, we took our adventurous attitudes and explored a little more around town.
If you ever get the chance to visit Barcelona, this is a must-see!

Until next time.


Barcelona Part 1.


Beach Day!
I think it's safe to say the past 14 days I've been living here in Spain have been nothing but a blur filled with excitement, uncertainty, confusion, ecstatic emotions and loads of endless fun. If the past two weeks are a preview of what has yet to come this semester then this will by far be the best 4 months of my entire life. 
It's crazy to think that it has taken me two weeks to finally get settled in. From learning about my new surroundings, meeting new people, figuring out classes, and adapting to this european lifestyle... I have experienced nothing but change since I've been here and I'm high on life itself.
Arc De Triomf, Which we are lucky enough to walk by on the way to school every day!
Gothic District
I am starting to learn very quickly that there is more to Barcelona than meets the eye. This city has so much to offer and I can not wait to see what it has in-store for my semester here. There is so much to see I would imagine it takes days maybe even weeks to see every little corner of Barcelona. We explored the Gothic district which was familiar for me since I ventured in this part of town this summer. Every time I visit this part of town I am completely charmed. The architecture is breathe-taking and it reminds me of how I would envision Europe to be like instead of all the modern buildings I have seen in my neighborhood here. Every little alley way has cozy little restaurants/bars and secret shops that offer unique things. 
I will admit, we have not been eager to see all of the "must-see" attractions of Barcelona yet. Only because we have been swept away by the outrageous nightlife scene, school work, and new friends. This weekend we have made a pact to get lost in this city we now call home and see what Barcelona is really about. 
Speak No Evil. See No Evil. Hear No Evil.
We got pretty lucky with the beach only being a few blocks away from our apartment!
Barcelona is incredible because it has two completely different lifestyles. During the day you're relaxing on the beach, soaking in the sun and sipping sangria and by night time you are partying harder than you've ever partied before and strolling home from the clubs at 7am. These two different lifestyles; beach bum and city slicker meet in Barcelona and this is why I am starting to fall in love with this  city. It has everything to offer to a 20 year old girl who is curious and ecstatic about the little things in life.
Opium Club on the Beach!
After walking the beach we stopped by CDLC which is a lounge on the beach. CDLC or otherwise known as Carpe Diem is the definition of Posh. While lounging on their beautiful day beds, getting lost in the music, eating high end sushi and sipping champagne sangria you can enjoy a massage and have an unforgettable day with friends. I visited this ultra lounge the firs time in I was in Barcelona, this summer and my experience was even better the second time around. The Buddhism interior and exotic vibes make you feel like you're in Bali. Not to mention you'e on the beach with clear views of the Mediterranean sea.
WIth the perfect crew here in Barcelona, the fun has been non-stop. I couldn't have picked a better group of people to be together in this fabulous city, it's just been....unreal.
Attempting to converse and listen to Catalonian (the first language here in Barcelona) is more difficult than I ever imagined. Let's be honest the only words that have been helpful for me in this town are Donde, Esta, Hola and Gracias.
I think I have PLENTY of room for improvement.

Tapas. Our typical Spanish-style go-to meal. Perfection.
Part Two coming right up!

Until Next Time.....

Ever since the day I landed in Barcelona, Spain, I have been constantly meeting other American students studying aborad in this beautiful Catalonian city. A majority of the students studying here are from the midwest, which frankly I love more than anything. The majority of the midwest kids are from Indiana University and the University of Michigan and there is a hand full from the east coast as well. Not only am I adjusting to the Spanish culture, I am adjusting to the different personalities that typically come from the different regions of the United States. Most obviously east coast vs. the west coast.
But lets be honest, Arizona takes the cake for turning Barcelona upside down. I have been so beyond lucky and ecstatic to have an incredible group of friends with me abroad from Arizona. It was been beyond comforting to have familiar faces in this city of unfamiliarity. I wouldn't pick any other group of people to study abroad with. With that being said, the parties have been non-stop since it was technically our "syllabus week" and school hadn't started for five days.
Since we had a few days before school started, we decided to start the semester off with a bang and explore the lively night life that is here in Barcelona.

Top: My Roomates and I Botton: The Arizona Fiji Men!
The first night we celebrated our friends Cole and Beth's 21st birthday at a club named Prive....Nothing explains that night better than this promotion video for the club..
Follow this link:
The second night we ventured off to one of my favorite clubs from this summer and in my opinion one of the best night clubs in Barcelona, Opium. Opium has this modern, posh vibe that you can feel the second you step inside. This famous club is on the beach and next to other famous clubs such as Shoko, Catwalk and one of my favorite lounges to date Carpe Diem. 
Barcelona's night life is a playground for any one who LOVES to party.
The clubs are filled with people from all over the world who visiting these clubs and making memories that they will never forget.


Back Abroad.


For the past week I have been quickly adapting to the European life stlye that I was completely taken by this summer. This lifestyle entails show-stopping street fashion, emerging cultures, endless history that is engrained in every little part of the city, breathe-taking architecture and long nights out that turn into the wee hours of the morning. Not to mention the fresh foods, sophisticated wine at most meals and the world-famous music culture. This is the life stlye I have missed tremendously and better yet the Spanish lifestyle is what I have been most intrigued by. The city is rich in character, to say the least.

From the tapas, to the paella and the fresh seafood on every dinner plate, I have yet to be disappointed. We even lucked out with being just down the road from Las Rambles which is an international shopping mecca. We even spotted Top Shop! And the Zara's here are on every street corner stocked with the best selection of inventory.

Tapas are little appetizers but they eat them as meals here... each one is unique to what you want!
Typical Barcelona Street Style. This photo and the next two were taken from www.spainstreetstyle.es
To this day, I still remember the best street outfit I have ever seen in my entire life and it was here in Barcelona. The girl was wearing a beautiful lace, stark white Chanel day dress, paired with stark white Prada sunglasses and stark white Gucci sandals.. just stunning!

Not only is the life style here absolutely incredible, I think it is safe to say my roommates and I lucked out with our living situation.
I live with three other girls, two from University of Arizona, Lindsey Kiner and Emily Villavaso. The other roommate, Anna Cartwright is from Alaska and goes to Colorado State. 

We live by Placa Tetuan in the Eixample Dreta neighborhood. We are in the ideal living location, right now the street from the most famous street in Barcelona, just a few miles from the beach, and less than five minutes from Campus. Another group of Arizona girls live above us, it all worked out too perfectly.

View from our apartment. Courtesy of Sara Morvay
Outside mine and Lindsey's bedroom window!
Living Room
CEA has done an absolute phenomenal job with introducing us to our new host city. The first night we had dinner with a wide selection of tapas and during the day we took a bus tour of Barcelona to get familiar with the area.
We ventured to La Sagrada Familia, Mt. Montjuic (where the 1992 Olympics were held) and other neighbor hoods in the city.
View of Barcelona from Mt. Montjuic
It is hard to remember that we're here for school because there is so much to do and see but the classes here are surprisingly really interesting. When you are living in another country and learning about their culture in the classroom it makes you intrigued and have a desire to apply your classroom knowledge to your experience in Spain. 
Also, I am taking a fashion class and I already have fallen in love with the course. The professor is incredibly hilarious and was a fashion photographer in London before moving to Barcelona to teach international students. 
Life is perfect!

Until Next Time...

As many of you know, I spent last summer in London, England interning for a fabulous fashion showroom in Chelsea, AT Showroom. Over the summer I not only learned about myself but I gained an abundance of knowledge about the international fashion industry which I am incredibly grateful for. The trips I ventured on such as Florence, Barcelona, and Ibiza have given me a unique outlook on what the world has to offer.

Over the past 5 months, not a day has gone by that I don't look back on the memories I have from London because frankly, it changed my life forever. The people I met in London are still very relevant to my life, the fashion sense I adopted when living there is still apart of who I am today. I am forever thankful for last summer because it was the most influential trip of my entire life.

After falling in love with Europe, I decided I had to go back, so now I'm off to Barcelona, Spain for a semester abroad! During this semester I hope to be completely immersed with the Spanish culture and learn about this region of the world I know very little about. I will keep a diary on the fashion culture of the places I travel to. Specifically in Spain, which I couldn't be more excited about considering many of my favorite fashion brands originated there such as Zara, Mango, and Berska, just to name a few. Just like I did in London I will keep you updated with every thing from the Spanish culture to nightlife to fashion and every thing in between. 

To check out my old blog (which featured London) go to:
