Ever since the day I landed in Barcelona, Spain, I have been constantly meeting other American students studying aborad in this beautiful Catalonian city. A majority of the students studying here are from the midwest, which frankly I love more than anything. The majority of the midwest kids are from Indiana University and the University of Michigan and there is a hand full from the east coast as well. Not only am I adjusting to the Spanish culture, I am adjusting to the different personalities that typically come from the different regions of the United States. Most obviously east coast vs. the west coast.
But lets be honest, Arizona takes the cake for turning Barcelona upside down. I have been so beyond lucky and ecstatic to have an incredible group of friends with me abroad from Arizona. It was been beyond comforting to have familiar faces in this city of unfamiliarity. I wouldn't pick any other group of people to study abroad with. With that being said, the parties have been non-stop since it was technically our "syllabus week" and school hadn't started for five days.
Since we had a few days before school started, we decided to start the semester off with a bang and explore the lively night life that is here in Barcelona.

Top: My Roomates and I Botton: The Arizona Fiji Men!
The first night we celebrated our friends Cole and Beth's 21st birthday at a club named Prive....Nothing explains that night better than this promotion video for the club..
Follow this link:
The second night we ventured off to one of my favorite clubs from this summer and in my opinion one of the best night clubs in Barcelona, Opium. Opium has this modern, posh vibe that you can feel the second you step inside. This famous club is on the beach and next to other famous clubs such as Shoko, Catwalk and one of my favorite lounges to date Carpe Diem. 
Barcelona's night life is a playground for any one who LOVES to party.
The clubs are filled with people from all over the world who visiting these clubs and making memories that they will never forget.


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